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Businesses of all sizes are implementing private 5G networks, and it’s easy to see why. Private 5G offers numerous benefits over crowded public networks including:  

  • Low latency  
  • Higher performance 
  • Tailored connectivity 
  • Advanced IoT support 
  • Increased business continuity 

But like any technology, misinformation can muddy the waters — leaving organizations wondering if it’s right for them. 

Let’s take a look at the most common myths surrounding Private 5G and take a deep dive into their realities.  

Myth 1: Private 5G is Exclusively for Large Enterprises 

Many assume that private 5G is a luxury only big corporations can afford. The reality, however, is much more inclusive. While large enterprises were early adopters, the scalability and flexibility of modern 5G solutions have made this technology accessible and valuable for organizations of all sizes. 

Mid-sized companies are increasingly leveraging private 5G to enhance their operations and drive innovation. The key is in the adaptability of 5G technology. Whether you’re running a sprawling manufacturing plant or a compact smart warehouse, private 5G can be tailored to fit your specific needs and scale. 

For smaller organizations, private 5G can level the playing field, providing enterprise-grade connectivity that was once the domain of only the largest players. Providing businesses of all sizes with this high-performance networking is opening new doors for innovation and efficiency across the business spectrum. 

Myth 2: Private 5G is Always Expensive to Deploy 

Cost is often cited as a major barrier to adopting new technologies, and private 5G is no exception. However, the reality is more nuanced. While there are undoubtedly costs associated with private 5G deployment, the technology offers scalable solutions that can be tailored to specific needs and budgets. 

Moreover, it’s crucial to consider the long-term benefits when evaluating the cost of private 5G. The improvements in efficiency, productivity, and new capabilities often justify the initial investment. Businesses are finding that private 5G can lead to significant operational cost savings over time, improved data security, and the ability to implement cutting-edge technologies that drive competitive advantage. 

Myth 3: Only Telecom Operators Can Deploy Private 5G Networks 

There’s a common misconception that deploying a private 5G network requires the involvement of a major telecom operator. In reality, the private 5G ecosystem is much more diverse and accessible. 

Various stakeholders, including enterprises themselves, can deploy private 5G networks. Specialized providers and system integrators play a crucial role in enabling organizations to implement and manage their own network infrastructure. This opens a world of possibilities for businesses that want to maintain control over their network and tailor it precisely to their needs. 

The ability for enterprises to deploy their own private 5G networks also means greater flexibility in terms of network design, security protocols, and data management – all critical factors in today’s data-driven business environment. 

Myth 4: Private 5G Networks are Completely Isolated from Public Networks 

While enhanced security and control are indeed key benefits of private 5G, the notion that these networks must be completely isolated from public networks is a myth. In fact, modern implementations of private 5G offer a high degree of flexibility when it comes to integration with public networks. 

This hybrid approach combines the security and performance benefits of a private network with the reach and flexibility of public infrastructure when needed. For businesses, this means the ability to maintain strict control over sensitive data and critical operations within their private network, while still being able to leverage public networks for less sensitive tasks or to extend reach beyond the physical boundaries of their private network. 

This flexibility is particularly valuable for businesses with distributed operations or those that require seamless connectivity both on and off-premises. 

Myth 5: 5G Infrastructure is Always Slow and Disruptive to Deploy 

The final myth we’ll address is the belief that deploying 5G infrastructure is invariably a slow and disruptive process. While it’s true that traditional cellular infrastructure deployment can be time-consuming and intrusive, modern solutions have revolutionized the way private 5G networks can be implemented. 

Certain modern solutions can extend coverage and reduce equipment expenses. DAS technology can carry signal further without additional hardware, and can efficiently distribute 5G throughout a facility, providing robust and consistent coverage.  Additionally, with existing or planned DAS infrastructure, deployment can use the fiber that is in place already.  

The evolution of deployment technologies like DAS demonstrates that with the right approach, 5G infrastructure can be rolled out rapidly and with minimal disruption, making it a viable option even for businesses operating in sensitive or high-uptime environments. 


As the private 5G landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about its true capabilities and limitations is key to making strategic decisions. Private 5G is a flexible, scalable, and increasingly accessible technology that has the potential to transform business operations.  

Wilson Connectivity has been at the cutting-edge of helping businesses of all size access strong, reliable cellular coverage for businesses of all sizes. Reach out to see how Private 5G by Wilson Connectivity can help you amplify your signal and accelerate your business.  

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