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As the wireless revolution continues full speed ahead, we’ve all become accustomed to the convenience, simplicity and sense of connectedness we feel from having regular and reliable cell phone access, 24/7.
Given the prevalence (and our reliance) on connectivity, it seems a bit odd that there are still many locations where we can’t receive calls, send texts, check email, or scan through social media posts on our smartphones. Still, we’ve all experienced them.
Dave M. of Louisville, CO was no exception. Dave works as an automobile broker, an independent position which requires him to constantly be on the phone to make deals, talk with potential customers and process paperwork for vehicles being shipped across the country.
When Dave decided to base his business out of a larger existing car dealership in the greater Denver area, he assumed that the location and facilities there would help to increase his business opportunity. But that isn’t what happened.
Into the Black Hole
What Dave did not factor into the equation was the reality that his new office was one of those dreaded and frustrating cell phone dead zones, a large building where his brand-new smartphone – operating on one of the major U.S. cell phone carriers – could barely pull in a single bar of service.
“For someone like myself, who needs the phone every minute of the day for customers and tracking down leads, it was a total nightmare,” Dave says. “Every call was a dropped call, and I could hardly get any connection to send emails or texts. It felt like the early cell phone days, when they weren’t very reliable.”
Dave’s building – due to cinderblock construction and the fact that carrier towers were few and far between in the business park where he moved – rendered it a virtual cell-phone-free zone. It was the absolute opposite of what he needed to keep his business thriving.
“It was embarrassing that nearly every call I’d try to make to clients would drop, and people often couldn’t even get through to me,” Dave notes. “I’d end up recieving tons of voicemails when I walked outside or was in my car, where I could get better service. I ended up spending a lot of time standing around in front of the dealership, often in the snow, trying to make calls.”
A Shared Problem
It turns out that Dave wasn’t the only one working out of the dealership who was affected by bad service. Talking to other employees at the location, the cell phone challenges were persistent for almost all of them, no matter what carrier they used. Most tried to rely on landlines or a spotty WiFi system working in the office, but they all expressed the frustration of being disconnected while at work.
As an independent contractor, Dave decided he needed to immediately take matters into his own hands, since his business absolutely depended on clear and unlimited digital access.
Boosting His Business
After some research, he discovered that a commercial-grade WilsonPro Repeater System could provide a solution for his problems. He knew he needed something that would cover a large area effectively, so a small-scale booster product wouldn’t be enough.
“I also have to spend a fair amount of time in the warehouse, preparing incoming cars or demonstrating features for my clients. I needed a system that could get me improved signals in a large area, not just my office,” Dave adds.
Dave’s research – and some discussion with the owners of the dealership – resulted in a plan to purchase and install an affordable WilsonPro Repeater System for the entire business.
Shared Results
Since all of the salespeople, service team members and even customers at the dealership benefitted equally from better access to cell phone signals, the new repeater system provided a major business boost to the dealership as a whole.
Even better, the free-standing WilsonPro Repeater System enhanced the signals from every carrier in the community. This meant that employees or visitors on any network – even small or prepaid carriers – could get clear calls and fast streaming data.
“It really was a lifesaver,” Dave says. “No more dropped calls, no more missed voicemails, no more trips outside to get the phone to work. It was definitely what I needed. The other employees at the dealership also really appreciate the fact that their phones now work.”
Dave says the WilsonPro repeater system has kept him connected and helped his business grow, with a measurable uptick in sales – and he’s sure the same goes for other salespeople working in the building.
And with so many people using their smartphones as a critical part of their daily business lives, maybe it’s a route that other companies should consider, he adds.
For more information on how wireless signal solutions can ultimately help improve your retail sales, download our Buyer’s Guide to learn the best options for boosting your signal with WilsonPro.