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As T-Mobile’s network continues to evolves with 5G expansion, ensuring strong indoor coverage becomes increasingly important. From simple DIY adjustments to professional installations, these five proven methods can dramatically improve in-building T-Mobile signal strength. Learn which solution best fits your space and budget.

The flexibility and portability of cell phones are also their Achilles’ heel. Network outages and other issues can sometimes plague your day, particularly if you spend most of it in a building or office. Depending on your area and the materials used, even smaller buildings and homes can saddle you with finicky reception that can be frustrating.

The good news is that you don’t have to be stuck with a bad cell signal. If you’re on T-Mobile, bad reception in buildings is not something you have to just tolerate and put up with. If you depend on a solid cell signal to communicate with others, there are some things you can do to improve your network reliability and boost your signal to acceptable levels. But first let’s take a look at how the T-Mobile network compares to others.

Providing wireless voice and data services throughout the U.S. and associated territories, T-Mobile USA is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, in the Seattle metropolitan area. In 2015, it was named the number one wireless carrier by Consumer Reports, and just this last April it merged with Sprint to create a more extensive  communications network for all consumers. It could be a while before the full impact of the merger is felt and edge-case signals improve.


But as a consumer or business owner, you still want your T-Mobile service to work flawlessly, no matter where you are. When you’re on T-Mobile and you have no signal inside your building, frustrations could have you considering a phone or network upgrade.
Or the problem may be something bigger, like your building itself.

Here are some options to try to improve your cell reception.

Try a new or different phone

If you have an older phone or one that’s seen its fair share of fumbles, tumbles and drops, it could be that your phone’s hardware is malfunctioning and unable to sustain a proper signal during calls. Unfortunately, the solution here is to either repair your phone or purchase a new one.

But before you run out to the store, you could try another phone, preferably on the same network. If another phone works on T-Mobile and “no signal” rules the day on your phone, a replacement or fix is in order. If you’re looking to save money or your phone is newer and has been treated well or lived its life in a sturdy case, you can also try a factory reset of your phone.

Over time, apps and other media can have an effect on your phone’s responsiveness, which can ultimately drag your signal down. While it’s not likely, it’s worth a shot, and many report an improved signal on a recently reset phone. Even if it’s a small improvement, it could mean the difference between a working signal and a frustrating one, especially if you have an important call coming up.

It could be the T-Mobile network

After you’ve spent time troubleshooting your phone, it’s worth it to determine if the problem is  your network. If T-Mobile gives you bad reception in your building, it could be that your phone is fine, but your coverage is the issue. To test this, borrow a phone from a friend or co-worker who’s on a different network and compare the experience to what you’re getting with your phone. If all the problems disappear, it could be your network, or a T-Mobile issue.

Even so, moving networks is no small feat, particularly across an entire workforce or department. You might need new phones and new plans, and there’s that tricky aspect of porting your numbers over, so keep reading for other ideas that’ll allow you to keep your phone and your network, and still get  a stronger, workable signal.

Try to position your phone or yourself differently

If you’re unwilling or unable to switch networks or phones, you might be able to manage the issue with a few, simple workarounds. First, try making calls from a slightly different location. Believe it or not, even moving a few feet away from where you commonly make and take calls can have a huge effect on T-Mobile’s “no signal” problems. Windows, ceilings, and thick walls can all drag your signal down, particularly in more modern buildings that make heavy use of Low-E glass and dense concrete, as well as fluffy insulation — all of which can negatively affect your signal.

Or, if you commonly hold your phone during calls, try a wired or wireless headset and place your phone on a table or desk. By separating yourself from your phone, you’ll have greater flexibility to make calls on the T-Mobile network, and odds are there’s one place in your room or office that works better than the rest. And if you’re close to a window or door, try opening them to see if it helps coverage. Sure, none of this is a permanent fix, but it can be workable enough to get through the day while you troubleshoot the larger issue.

Give Wi-Fi calling a shot

For those who are reluctant to deal with inconvenient or cumbersome  workarounds that merely offset the issue, Wi-Fi calling is a logical  alternative. As long as you have internet access, bad T-Mobile reception in your building can be easily circumnavigated by routing your calls through Wi-Fi. Most T-Mobile accounts already support Wi-Fi calling and pretty much any modern phone does, too, so there’s not much to lose by giving it a shot.

Purchase a commercial cell amplifier

For a true solution that fixes the problem at the source, consider purchasing a commercial cell amplifier. Instead of changing your behavior or requiring your team members to troubleshoot or upgrade their devices, a commercial cell amplifier addresses the T-Mobile “no signal” problem without straining your budget or your patience.

Compatible with T-Mobile and all the other major mobile networks including Verizon, and AT&T, a commercial cellular amplifier can instantly give you better coverage throughout your entire building by amplifying the existing T-Mobile signal already present around the premises.

But before you look to purchase an amplifier, you should contact a professional installer to conduct a site survey. Like the exercise where you hold your phone up and try to find the best reception in a room or floor, a site survey conducted by a professional installer can help you quickly and accurately identify all the dead spots and best places to make calls in your building.


A professional installer can also help you understand what product you need to amplify your existing signal and how to get cell coverage in problem areas in your building. The secret is a signal meter that’s much more sensitive than the antenna in your phone, and the information gained from a site survey can tell you exactly what floors, rooms and hallways need help, as well as where you don’t need any support, which can help you save money.

Why Choose a WilsonPro Cell Phone Signal Amplifier Solution?

Here at WilsonPro, we love helping businesses, commercial buildings, and residences improve poor cell coverage. Regardless of whether you’re in a remote area where reception is tricky or your building’s materials are impeding cell coverage, , we can help you address the problem- because you shouldn’t have to worry about your cell phone coverage when you’re trying to get work done.

WilsonPro candesign a solution that fits your budget and addresses your specific requirements. Whether you’re suffering from T-Mobile bad reception in your building or no signal at all, a commercial T-Mobile cell phone signal booster can be just what’s  needed to get your signal back.

Get Started Today

Contact us today to learn more about a personalized cellular amplifier solution so you can start experiencing faster data speeds, better call quality, and a reliable cellular signal anywhere in your building.

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